A downloadable game for Windows

A student jam made across 2 days, loosely based on the theme of Marks Attacks!

-The Game-
Play as a lone alien invader getting more resistance than anticipated while attacking a local hospice.
Grounded in retro fast-fps roots, Don't Run We Are Friendly gives you the tools to gore through your enemies and exterminate everyone in the building, including a heavy-duty railgun and a mechanical arm of around 400 horsepower. 

There's a catch though. As an alien, you are very sensitive to music, so much so that your brains risk getting scattered all over the floor.
Unfortunately, one of the requirements of a doom-like is agressive music, so your own ost will be racing against you here, be quick.

Waltz through the hospice and kill everyone to win. 
The alien's HP is the number in the middle, while a continuous insta-death bar keeps filling up as time goes on, distorting your vision and making you stronger (until you eventually succumb to it).
The only way to delay your inevitable end ? Chewing-gum dropped by your opponents, GO HAM. 

WASD/ZQSD > Movement
Shift > Dash
F > Melee
LMB > Shoot

-The Team-

Alicia - Character artist & Animator
Inès - 2D & Props Artist
Mahiedine - Tech Art & VFX Artist
Dorian - Environment & Props Artist
Gabin - Lead Game Designer
Arthur - Level Designer
Viper - Game/Sound Designer
Thomas - Developer/Support Designer
Louis - Developer/Editor


Music is PT-1X12 by Geoffplaysguitar, all right reserved, this is a student production that will not be monetized in any way.




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fun but so hard